This chapter introduces co-production and sociotechnical imaginaries as interpretative concepts for understanding the Danish development of higher education. It demonstrates how we can analyze educational policies and their underlying sociopolitical orders. The chapter starts by analyzing the historical developments since WWII and how modern Western university systems have been shaped in terms of their social purposes and their political conditions. This leads to the specific Danish context and how neoliberal ideas have reframed the normative conditions for universities and higher education. The historical analysis culminates with the development of the Design & Innovation Bachelor’s and Master’s programs at the Technical University of Denmark. The case demonstrates how university employees can deploy countermoves against top-down agendas and use curricular development and pedagogical principles to carve out institutional spaces for their work. Although the Design & Innovation Program became a significant success, the long-term consequences turned out less favorable and culminated in 26 researchers leaving for another university. The chapter concludes by reiterating how imaginaries can shape the academic ecosystem and universities’ institutional processes by destabilizing existing orders and replacing them with new social orders. The study draws attention to the contingencies and situated nature of how education and knowledge production are held together in academic ecosystems and institutional setups. Rather than focusing on how certain technologies are co-produced with certain imagined social orders, this chapter expands the explanatory potential of sociotechnical imaginaries to cut across different technologies, where the same fundamental technical rationality is the stabilizing factor.