Macropiper excelsum, a plant native to New Zealand, was investigated to identify compounds responsible for its trigeminal effects and to search for candidates masking the astringency of certain tastants. Lignans, flavonoid glycosides and several alkamides were identified via combination of instrumental and sensory analysis.
trans-Pellitorine significantly reduced the astringency of epigallocatechin gallate; however, sensory evaluations of analogues showed the high specificities of trigeminal-active compounds in their abilities to mask unpleasant tastes.
Macropiper excelsum, a plant native to New Zealand, was investigated to identify compounds responsible for its trigeminal effects and to search for candidates masking the astringency of certain tastants. Lignans, flavonoid glycosides and several alkamides were identified via combination of instrumental and sensory analysis.
trans-Pellitorine significantly reduced the astringency of epigallocatechin gallate; however, sensory evaluations of analogues showed the high specificities of trigeminal-ac...