By post-term pregnancies (PTP),we examined the perinatal outcome and the implementing of monitoring methods(mm). Sign. higher birth weight was registered within the PT-group than in the control-group. However, no sign.diff. were found in the mode of delivery, in Apgar values,in umbilical cord blood values, and in the period of hospitalization of the child. With the application of routine mm and case of pathologies, the morbidity in PTP is curr.minimal. Nonetheless, further studies on the value of Doppler sonogr. and the frequ. of monitoring examinations would be of interest.
By post-term pregnancies (PTP),we examined the perinatal outcome and the implementing of monitoring methods(mm). Sign. higher birth weight was registered within the PT-group than in the control-group. However, no sign.diff. were found in the mode of delivery, in Apgar values,in umbilical cord blood values, and in the period of hospitalization of the child. With the application of routine mm and case of pathologies, the morbidity in PTP is curr.minimal. Nonetheless, further stud...