The typical approach to realistic 3D visualization of microscopic
traffic data is usually location-specific and hence requires a lot of effort from the user to generate an eye-pleasing model. We present a simulation/location/dataneutral 3D visualization software module that allows the 3D display of an XMLcoded
road network, vehicles and communication involving vehicles. These objects are automatically modeled from source data with empty space filled in an intelligent way. The simulation can be freely explored in time and space.
Vehicles can be color-coded, viewed from above or from the driver’s perspective, or alternatively in a traditional 2D form. Furthermore, online statistics on the current vehicle’s and traffic state of the can be configured and displayed.
The typical approach to realistic 3D visualization of microscopic
traffic data is usually location-specific and hence requires a lot of effort from the user to generate an eye-pleasing model. We present a simulation/location/dataneutral 3D visualization software module that allows the 3D display of an XMLcoded
road network, vehicles and communication involving vehicles. These objects are automatically modeled from source data with empty space filled in an intelligent way. The simulation can be...