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Vogel-Heuser, Birgit; Bi, Fandi; Kraft, Andre; Vojanec, Bernd
Workshop: Tracking Down Lazy Compromises in Interdisciplinary Engineering (Technical Debt)
Technical decisions that bring short-term benefits but are disadvantageous and expensive in the long term are often made as their scope, impact, and corrective measures are not assessed or underestimated. Software systems refer to this phenomenon as technical debt (TD). In mechatronic products and production systems, TD is not only present in the software area but also in the mechanical and electrical engineering areas. TD in mechatronics, which describes mechatronic systems and their development, has not been researched very much to date. The workshop focuses on the identification of TDs in mechatronics and their assessment of criticality and consequences. We expand the findings of TD research on software systems with TD characteristics in mechatronics and the additional phases of the life cycle. We refer to mechatronic products as technical systems consisting of mechanical, electrical/electronic engineering, and software components. The networking of the various disciplines and shortened and asynchronous innovation cycles of integrated products and production systems result in unforeseen, difficult-to-manage TD. Cross-discipline, cross-organizational, and cross-industry properties are therefore to be analyzed, correlated, and understood with TD-specific characteristics. In this workshop, practitioners and researchers get the state of knowledge and transparent consideration of the challenges in German and international companies towards technical debt. We derive an interdisciplinary technical debt classification and meta-model for the systematic management approach and show real-life examples from 120 industrial technical debt expert interviews. By using semi-structured data acquisition methods of technical debt incidents among workshop participants and their classification, we model the cause-and-effect relationship between organizational, project/discipline-related data, and TD data in a comprehensible way in Neo4J. Finally, the participants get a hands-on opportunity to test the web-based prototypical tool for technical debt management. Desired outcome & learning: • The ability to identify technical debt in a mechatronic system • Understanding and visualizing technical debt incidents and their impact with Neo4J • Visualization and analysis of interdisciplinary technical debt • Understanding, acceptance, and communication through the selection and implementation of a suitable interaction concept for TD in mechatronics
Kongress- / Buchtitel:
22nd IFAC World Congress (IFAC)
Yokohama, Japan