The fusion of 3D freehand ultrasound with CT and CTA has benefits for a variety of clinical applications, however a lot of manual work is usually required for correct registration. We developed new methods that allow one to simulate medical ultrasound from CT in real-time, reproducing the majority of ultrasonic imaging effects. The second novelty is a robust similarity measure that assesses the correlation of a combination of multiple signals extracted from CT with ultrasound, without knowing the influence of each signal. This serves as the foundation of a fully automatic registration, which aligns a freehand ultrasound sweep with the corresponding 3D modality using a rigid or an affine transformation model, without any manual interaction. We also present the used initialization, global and local parameter optimization schemes, and validation on abdominal CTA and ultrasound imaging of 10 patients.
The fusion of 3D freehand ultrasound with CT and CTA has benefits for a variety of clinical applications, however a lot of manual work is usually required for correct registration. We developed new methods that allow one to simulate medical ultrasound from CT in real-time, reproducing the majority of ultrasonic imaging effects. The second novelty is a robust similarity measure that assesses the correlation of a combination of multiple signals extracted from CT with ultrasound, without knowing th...