Design of industrial AR applications has been one of our main goals at Siemens Corporate Research since 1997. As an industrial R&D laboratory, we pay particular attention to future commercialization of such applications. This paper is an extended abstract for an invited talk at ISMAR 2003. In this talk, I take the examples of AR applications we have been working on at Siemens Corporate Research (SCR)1 to discuss the challenges the industrial AR research community needs to face in order to succeed.
Design of industrial AR applications has been one of our main goals at Siemens Corporate Research since 1997. As an industrial R&D; laboratory, we pay particular attention to future commercialization of such applications. This paper is an extended abstract for an invited talk at ISMAR 2003. In this talk, I take the examples of AR applications we have been working on at Siemens Corporate Research (SCR)1 to discuss the challenges the industrial AR research community needs to face in order to succeed...