Scene coordinate regression has become an essential part of current camera relocalization methods. Different versions in the form of regression forests and deep learning methods have been successfully applied to estimate the corresponding camera pose given a single input image. In this work, we propose to regress scene coordinates pixel-wise for a given RGB image using deep learning. Compared to the recent methods, which usually employ RANSAC to obtain a robust pose estimate from the established point correspondences, we propose to regress confidences of these correspondences, which allows us to immediately discard erroneous predictions resulting in boosting initial pose estimates. Finally, the resulting confidences can be used to score initial pose hypothesis and aid in pose refinement, offering a generalized solution to solve this task.
Scene coordinate regression has become an essential part of current camera relocalization methods. Different versions in the form of regression forests and deep learning methods have been successfully applied to estimate the corresponding camera pose given a single input image. In this work, we propose to regress scene coordinates pixel-wise for a given RGB image using deep learning. Compared to the recent methods, which usually employ RANSAC to obtain a robust pose estimate from the establishe...