Modern laser systems are widely used in industry due to their excellent flexibility and high beam intensities. This leads to an
increased hazard potential, because conventional laser safety barriers only offer a short protection time when illuminated with
high laser powers. For that reason active systems are used more and more to prevent accidents with laser machines. These
systems must fulfil the requirements of functional safety, e.g. according to IEC 61508, which causes high costs. The safety
provided by common passive barriers is usually unconsidered in this context. In the presented approach, active and passive
systems are evaluated from a holistic perspective. To assess the functional safety of hybrid safety systems, the failure probability
of passive barriers is analysed and added to the failure probability of the active system.
Modern laser systems are widely used in industry due to their excellent flexibility and high beam intensities. This leads to an
increased hazard potential, because conventional laser safety barriers only offer a short protection time when illuminated with
high laser powers. For that reason active systems are used more and more to prevent accidents with laser machines. These
systems must fulfil the requirements of functional safety, e.g. according to IEC 61508, which causes high costs. The saf...