The complexity of a mechatronic Product-Service-System (PSS), as a combination of products, IT-components and services, requires a profound system’s understanding already in the early phase of the planning process. For a lifecycle oriented planning the different lifecycles of the subsytems and their interrelations with regard to context and time, as well as overlaps through the introduction of a new generation or a facelifted version have to be considered and predetermined. In this paper a framework, based on various existing lifecycle models, is presented to analyze and to deal with these different lifecycle constellations. The framework addresses both the description and temporal representation of singular lifecycle phases in the context of the overall PSS-lifecycle as well as lifecycle constellations of subsequently following PSS- versions.
The complexity of a mechatronic Product-Service-System (PSS), as a combination of products, IT-components and services, requires a profound system’s understanding already in the early phase of the planning process. For a lifecycle oriented planning the different lifecycles of the subsytems and their interrelations with regard to context and time, as well as overlaps through the introduction of a new generation or a facelifted version have to be considered and predetermined. In this paper a frame...