Due to the internal switching processes high-bit-rate digital devices emit radiated electromagnetic interference (EMI). Scanning of the near-field of the radiated EMI of devices and printed circuit boards (PCBs) with ultra-wideband probes allows to record the EMI field correlations as a basis for modeling the EMI radiated into the environment. Accurate near-field measurements require a de-embedding process that removes the influence of the probes, transmission lines and measurement circuits on the measurement results. In this work we describe a de-embedding methodology based on the measured S-parameters of a test setup consisting of a microstrip test structure and the scanning probe.
Due to the internal switching processes high-bit-rate digital devices emit radiated electromagnetic interference (EMI). Scanning of the near-field of the radiated EMI of devices and printed circuit boards (PCBs) with ultra-wideband probes allows to record the EMI field correlations as a basis for modeling the EMI radiated into the environment. Accurate near-field measurements require a de-embedding process that removes the influence of the probes, transmission lines and measurement circuits on t...