In this work we present the Correlation Transverse Wave Formulation (CTWF) method for direct computation of the auto- and cross correlation functions (ACFs and CCFs) of stationary stochastic electromagnetic fields. The transverse wave formulation, in performing a modal expansion of the electromagnetic fields in the homogeneous parts of the calculation domain and solving the near field continuity on both sides of the circuit surfaces, provides a direct derivation of the ACFs and CCFs without hypothesis on the structure of radiated fields.
In this work we present the Correlation Transverse Wave Formulation (CTWF) method for direct computation of the auto- and cross correlation functions (ACFs and CCFs) of stationary stochastic electromagnetic fields. The transverse wave formulation, in performing a modal expansion of the electromagnetic fields in the homogeneous parts of the calculation domain and solving the near field continuity on both sides of the circuit surfaces, provides a direct derivation of the ACFs and CCFs without hypo...