Nowadays there are several possibilities of creating a three-dimensional reconstruction of objects’ surfaces. Photogrammetry, thus generating point clouds from a dataset of photographs from objects by using Structure from Motion (SfM) software is a first way. Another option could be laser scanning. These two methods are often used for progress monitoring at construction sites. But in this bachelor thesis, they were used for the visualisation of a building, that already exists. I attempted to generate a point cloud from a photo dataset of the building eight of the Technische Universität München using the SfM-programme VisualSfM. Afterwards the 3D-surface of the building was reconstructed in Autodesk Revit2016. Furthermore, laser scans were taken for comparison.
Nowadays there are several possibilities of creating a three-dimensional reconstruction of objects’ surfaces. Photogrammetry, thus generating point clouds from a dataset of photographs from objects by using Structure from Motion (SfM) software is a first way. Another option could be laser scanning. These two methods are often used for progress monitoring at construction sites. But in this bachelor thesis, they were used for the visualisation of a building, that already exists. I attempted to gen...