- Titel:
An Investigation of Techniques that Aim to Improve the Quality of Labels provided by the Crowd
- Dokumenttyp:
- Konferenzbeitrag
- Autor(en):
- Hare, Jonathon S.; Acosta, Maribel; Weston, Anna; Simperl, Elena; Samangooei, Sina; Dupplaw, David; Lewis, Paul H.
- Herausgeber:
- Larson, Martha A.; Anguera, Xavier; Reuter, Timo; Jones, Gareth J. F.; Ionescu, Bogdan; Schedl, Markus; Piatrik, Tomas; Hauff, Claudia; Soleymani, Mohammad
- Kongress- / Buchtitel:
- Proceedings of the MediaEval 2013 Multimedia Benchmark Workshop, Barcelona, Spain, October 18-19, 2013
- Band / Teilband / Volume:
- 1043
- Verlag / Institution:
- CEUR-WS.org
- Jahr:
- 2013
- Serientitel:
- CEUR Workshop Proceedings
- WWW:
- https://ceur-ws.org/Vol-1043/mediaeval2013_submission_44.pdf