In industrial applications Augmented Reality (AR) is today an established technology for supporting industrial applications in areas like design, planning, training and maintenance. Growing importance of measurements in AR environment changes requirements for AR applications giving more importance to accuracy and stability than to mobility and real-time demands. This position statement emphasizes the need for accuracy statements in industrial AR applications and thus the necessity of hardware and software providing the required accuracy on the one hand and the ability to state this accuracy on the other hand. We present Roivis(TM) as an AR application which offers this functionality and discuss several applications for the tool in visualization and measuring.
In industrial applications Augmented Reality (AR) is today an established technology for supporting industrial applications in areas like design, planning, training and maintenance. Growing importance of measurements in AR environment changes requirements for AR applications giving more importance to accuracy and stability than to mobility and real-time demands. This position statement emphasizes the need for accuracy statements in industrial AR applications and thus the necessity of hard...