Polymer solutions turn out to be a technically and economically promising alternative to the so far commonly used bentonite suspensions for the hydraulic support of boreholes and diaphragm wall trenches. Unlike bentonite suspensions, the applicable polymer solutions show a non-existent or insignificant yield strength and thus the time-dependent penetration of the supporting fluid into the ground is crucial for the supporting performance. Therefore, in particular the flow behaviour in soil of such non-newtonian fluids was studied in laboratory and field tests and options for analytical and numerical modelling were discussed. In the field tests five bored piles were completed under polymeric support and one comparative pile under bentonite support. In the course of these tests further relevant issues of construction practice were investigated. Finally, the environmental compatibility of the construction method was examined. Part of this examination was a groundwater monitoring during and after the field tests.
Polymer solutions turn out to be a technically and economically promising alternative to the so far commonly used bentonite suspensions for the hydraulic support of boreholes and diaphragm wall trenches. Unlike bentonite suspensions, the applicable polymer solutions show a non-existent or insignificant yield strength and thus the time-dependent penetration of the supporting fluid into the ground is crucial for the supporting performance. Therefore, in particular the flow behaviour in soil of suc...