The filling degree gradient and the overall filling degree in continuous powder mixers are determined by the existing mass transport procedures inside the bulk solid. By convective mass transport (active transport due to mixing device) and dispersive mass transport (mobility of the particles) the overall mass flow is transported through the mixer. Using an analytical solution of the Fokker-Planck-Equation as fitting function to experimental filling degrees, the dispersion and transport coefficients of the Fokker-Planck-Equation were determined for different product and machine parameters. Filling degree and overall mass flow are determining the average residence time in the mixer and therefore the reduction of entering dosage fluctuations, which is an important performance criteria of a continuous mixing apparatus.
The filling degree gradient and the overall filling degree in continuous powder mixers are determined by the existing mass transport procedures inside the bulk solid. By convective mass transport (active transport due to mixing device) and dispersive mass transport (mobility of the particles) the overall mass flow is transported through the mixer. Using an analytical solution of the Fokker-Planck-Equation as fitting function to experimental filling degrees, the dispersion and transport coefficie...