High temperature superconductors are particularly suitable as high power switches, due to its fast transition into normal conductivity. The switching operation can be triggered e.g. by a thermal pulse. In this dissertation a new kind of trigger, based on a low power radio frequency pulse, was investigated. Beside the research on different important parameters for the switching operation, a theory for the switching mechanism was developed. A simulation proved this theory. The development of a new switching element permitted the enhancement of the frequency range for the trigger pulse from a few 10 MHz down to a few 100 kHz. Up to now the shortest switching time achieved by a radio frequency trigger is 39 µs.
High temperature superconductors are particularly suitable as high power switches, due to its fast transition into normal conductivity. The switching operation can be triggered e.g. by a thermal pulse. In this dissertation a new kind of trigger, based on a low power radio frequency pulse, was investigated. Beside the research on different important parameters for the switching operation, a theory for the switching mechanism was developed. A simulation proved this theory. The development of a new...