This thesis investigates how to develop and evaluate ubiquitous computing (ubicomp) applications based on Near Field Communication (NFC). It combines existing theories of ubicomp, human-computer interaction and technology acceptance to propose an iterative process model (UCAN) for the development and evaluation of NFC applications. To test the process model, three NFC-based artifacts from specific case studies were evaluated. Multiple methods were used and compared in the evaluation process. UCAN is used to determine which evaluation methods are applicable to each phase of the process. Based on the results of the case study evaluations, design guidelines for NFC-applications are extracted in four categories. The findings allow companies to improve NFC-based application development and researchers to choose from several evaluation methods in different development phases.
This thesis investigates how to develop and evaluate ubiquitous computing (ubicomp) applications based on Near Field Communication (NFC). It combines existing theories of ubicomp, human-computer interaction and technology acceptance to propose an iterative process model (UCAN) for the development and evaluation of NFC applications. To test the process model, three NFC-based artifacts from specific case studies were evaluated. Multiple methods were used and compared in the evaluation process. UCA...