In a retrospective study among 673 patients following renal transplantation, a significantly increased incidence of ruptures and tendinopathies of the Achilles tendon was identified, which differ in the parameters age, bilateral manifestation and spontaneous onset from the classical aspect among a healthy population.
Etiological, a combination of steroid - and fluoroquinolone medication and systemic factors
(degeneration, uremic tendinitis, concomitant diseases) is supposed to be responsible.
A retrospective study among 67 patients suffering from Achilles tendon rupture and being operated under local anesthesia proves the method as an uncomplicated, economical and in the patient´s view well accepted and comfortable therapy.
In a retrospective study among 673 patients following renal transplantation, a significantly increased incidence of ruptures and tendinopathies of the Achilles tendon was identified, which differ in the parameters age, bilateral manifestation and spontaneous onset from the classical aspect among a healthy population.
Etiological, a combination of steroid - and fluoroquinolone medication and systemic factors
(degeneration, uremic tendinitis, concomitant diseases) is supposed to be responsib...