This dissertation addresses the clinical applicability of distortion product otoacoustic emissions for examining the cochlear amplifier. Besides a novel method for objective hearing aid adjustment, a model-based method for differentiation between sound conductive and sensorineural hearing loss was developed. Furthermore, a novel method for improving the quantification of efferent reflex strength was introduced. The applicability of this method for determining individual vulnerability to noise overexposure could not be demonstrated. When investigating age-related impacts on hearing, a deterioration of the cochlear amplifier could be observed.
This dissertation addresses the clinical applicability of distortion product otoacoustic emissions for examining the cochlear amplifier. Besides a novel method for objective hearing aid adjustment, a model-based method for differentiation between sound conductive and sensorineural hearing loss was developed. Furthermore, a novel method for improving the quantification of efferent reflex strength was introduced. The applicability of this method for determining individual vulnerability to noise ov...