Since declining of calcareous grasslands in the 19th century many specialised grassland plant species persist in very small, isolated and fragmented habitats. Clonal reproduction, strong competition ability, longevity and high clipping tolerance are the key traits of the different life strategies. However, generative reproduction of many of the calcareous grassland species is a rare event. This leads to problems through reintroduction of some of these plants. To avoid this, a minimum viable population of these species should be established by high sowing rates or in case of very low germination by planting in autumn. By an adequate management the new introduced populations should be able to reproduce vegetative and generative.
Since declining of calcareous grasslands in the 19th century many specialised grassland plant species persist in very small, isolated and fragmented habitats. Clonal reproduction, strong competition ability, longevity and high clipping tolerance are the key traits of the different life strategies. However, generative reproduction of many of the calcareous grassland species is a rare event. This leads to problems through reintroduction of some of these plants. To avoid this, a minimum viable popu...