This research work explores smart and bidirectional charging use cases, assessing implementation and user benefits. It examines single- and multi-use cases using the optimization model eFlame to estimate cost savings and emission reductions from the user’s perspective and calculates user potentials. Findings show that while no use case provides conclusive benefits today, some will be by 2026. V2G is seen as complex with limited short-term benefits. By 2029, most use cases offer significant user benefits.
This research work explores smart and bidirectional charging use cases, assessing implementation and user benefits. It examines single- and multi-use cases using the optimization model eFlame to estimate cost savings and emission reductions from the user’s perspective and calculates user potentials. Findings show that while no use case provides conclusive benefits today, some will be by 2026. V2G is seen as complex with limited short-term benefits. By 2029, most use cases offer significant user...