The flame-acoustic interaction mechanisms which drive high-frequency thermoacoustic instabilities in reheat flames are investigated in this work. Reheat flames are present in sequentially-staged gas turbine combustion systems which are a key technology for a decarbonised energy infrastructure. The investigations presented in this thesis provide insight into the flame-acoustic coupling mechanisms present in reheat combustors to assist in the development of prediction and mitigation strategies for thermoacoustic instabilities in these combustion systems.
The flame-acoustic interaction mechanisms which drive high-frequency thermoacoustic instabilities in reheat flames are investigated in this work. Reheat flames are present in sequentially-staged gas turbine combustion systems which are a key technology for a decarbonised energy infrastructure. The investigations presented in this thesis provide insight into the flame-acoustic coupling mechanisms present in reheat combustors to assist in the development of prediction and mitigation strategies for...
Übersetzte Kurzfassung:
In dieser Arbeit werden die Flammen-Akustik-Wechselwirkungsmechanismen untersucht, die hochfrequente thermoakustische Instabilitäten in Zwischenüberhitzungsflammen verursachen. Die in dieser Arbeit vorgestellten Untersuchungen geben einen Einblick in die Mechanismen der Flammen-Akustik-Kopplung in Zwischenüberhitzungsbrennkammern, um die Entwicklung von Vorhersage- und Minderungsstrategien für thermoakustische Instabilitäten in diesen Verbrennungssystemen zu unterstützen.