Electron Tomography (ET) is uniquely suited to obtain three-dimensional reconstructions of pleomorphic structures, such as cells or organelles. Recent advances in the recording schemes improve the speed and resolution and provide new insights into the structural organization of different specimens. However the low signal to noise ratio arising from the radiation sensitivity of biological materials in conjunction with distortions introduced by the limited tilt range of the sample in the electron microscope, hinders the application of image processing methods for data analysis. Therefore a good signal improvement technique ("denoising" technique) is necessary. Additionally, the investigation of more complex and rather thick objects increases the image complexity. Image simplification techniques (interactive or automated) are necessary for separating the image into parts with similar or coherent properties, which improve the visualization capabilities as a consequence of focusing the 3D images on the parts of most interest and minimizing their size to the features of interest. The major objective of this work was the development and application of methods for a quantitative evaluation and visualization of cryoelectron tomograms. A new noise reduction technique is proposed based on nonlinear anisotropic diffusion. It combines conventional diffusion methods with the scaling index method, the latter used for steering the filtering process. This diffusion technique shows a superior performance compared to existing diffusion realizations, as well as to conventional methods typically applied in image processing (e.g. low-pass filtering, median filtering). In addition, a novel approach for segmenation was developed that combines the information provided by the scaling index method with morphological operators, and subdivides the pixels/voxels into different categories according to the kind of structure to which they belong. Furthermore, a novel approach for identification of macromolecular complexes is proposed. The identification technique is not based on the similarity of the density values between input and target volume, as is the case in template matching, but on the similarity of the calculated scaling indices. The big advantage of this method is that it is very fast, since scaling index is rotationally invariant.
Electron Tomography (ET) is uniquely suited to obtain three-dimensional reconstructions of pleomorphic structures, such as cells or organelles. Recent advances in the recording schemes improve the speed and resolution and provide new insights into the structural organization of different specimens. However the low signal to noise ratio arising from the radiation sensitivity of biological materials in conjunction with distortions introduced by the limited tilt range of the sample in the electron...