Within gain scheduling control many parameters must be set to adjust the behavior of the controller for every application. This process is known as calibration. Currently the calibration within the automotive industry is conducted manually by engineers. To prove the suitability of a model-based process for the HVAC control, such process has been investigated. For this purpose, a modular model of the HVAC system has been created and this model has been used to calibrate the controller of a vehicle. This calibration achieved a performance on the same level as the series vehicle calibration.
Within gain scheduling control many parameters must be set to adjust the behavior of the controller for every application. This process is known as calibration. Currently the calibration within the automotive industry is conducted manually by engineers. To prove the suitability of a model-based process for the HVAC control, such process has been investigated. For this purpose, a modular model of the HVAC system has been created and this model has been used to calibrate the controller of a vehicl...