To find an answer for socio-political issues the monthly spending on food for children is an important aspect. The lack of person-related data requires using household-related data. Those are available from the household income and expenditure survey (Einkommens- und Verbrauchsstichprobe (EVS)). However, an appropriate method is missing to allocate these household-related data to the individual household member. Two methods, Mengenschlüssel-Methode and Nourney-Methode, are investigated and the more appropriate one used to transfer the household-related spending on food into person-related expenditures. Heckman's Two-Step-Procedure calculates the person-related food expenditures considering characteristics of individual and household. The average food expenditures for an individual child are measured according to age, gender, family structure, at home, and away-from-home consummation. This method qualifies to allocate future household-related expenditure for food.
To find an answer for socio-political issues the monthly spending on food for children is an important aspect. The lack of person-related data requires using household-related data. Those are available from the household income and expenditure survey (Einkommens- und Verbrauchsstichprobe (EVS)). However, an appropriate method is missing to allocate these household-related data to the individual household member. Two methods, Mengenschlüssel-Methode and Nourney-Methode, are investigated and the m...