Within the scope of this work, a very sensitive method for detecting longlived actinide nuclei with accelerator mass spectrometry was developed at the tandem accelerator laboratory of the TU and LMU Munich. With 6000 atoms of plutonium, the worldwide lowest detection limit for longlived plutonium isotopes could be reached. Using this method, a hydrogenetic deep sea manganese crust was investigated for supernova produced 244Pu for the first time, whereas one event 244Pu could be detected. Also for the first time, plutonium from nuclear test explosions was measured on the surface of the deep sea manganese crust in order to determine the efficiency of adsorption of plutonium onto the crusts surface.
Within the scope of this work, a very sensitive method for detecting longlived actinide nuclei with accelerator mass spectrometry was developed at the tandem accelerator laboratory of the TU and LMU Munich. With 6000 atoms of plutonium, the worldwide lowest detection limit for longlived plutonium isotopes could be reached. Using this method, a hydrogenetic deep sea manganese crust was investigated for supernova produced 244Pu for the first time, whereas one event 244Pu could be detected. Also fo...