In the eye hospital of the Technical University of Munich, 92 patients undergoing cataract surgery were examined for delirium, postoperative cognitive deterioration and Charles Bonnet Syndrome. One patient was diagnosed as delirious at admission, none of the patients developed a postoperative delirium. A risk group for a complicated postoperative course were patients with a cognitive deficit diagnosed before the operation (n=11) and patients who experienced a postoperative cognitive deterioration (n=8). Risk factors for developing a postoperative cognitive deterioration were: living in a home (home for the aged or nursing home) and having a marked loss of vision in the eye which is not to undergo surgery. None of our patients examined fulfilled the diagnostic criteria for Charles Bonnet Syndrome. On the basis of our own case observations (patients with photopsia etc.), our chosen criteria for diagnosing the Charles Bonnet Syndrome were discussed.
In the eye hospital of the Technical University of Munich, 92 patients undergoing cataract surgery were examined for delirium, postoperative cognitive deterioration and Charles Bonnet Syndrome. One patient was diagnosed as delirious at admission, none of the patients developed a postoperative delirium. A risk group for a complicated postoperative course were patients with a cognitive deficit diagnosed before the operation (n=11) and patients who experienced a postoperative cognitive deterioratio...