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Original title:
Original subtitle:
Aktivierungsstudie zur zentralen sensorischen Verarbeitung bei Basalganglien-Erkrankungen am Beispiel Morbus Parkinson und Morbus Huntington
Translated title:
Investigation with 3D PET
Translated subtitle:
Aktivierungsstudie zur zentralen sensorischen Verarbeitung bei Basalganglien-Erkrankungen am Beispiel Morbus Parkinson und Morbus Huntington
Fassbender, Christine
Document type:
Fakultät für Medizin
Boecker, H. (Dr.)
Weindl, Adolf (Prof. Dr., Ph.D.); Conrad, B. (Univ.-Prof. Dr.)
Subject group:
MED Medizin
PET; Aktivierung; rCBF; sensorische Verarbeitung; Basalganglien-Erkrankungen; M. Parkinson; M. Huntington
Translated keywords:
PET; activation; rCBF; sensory processing; movement disorders; Parkinson's disease; Huntington's disease
Tierexperimentelle und klinische Untersuchungen weisen auf eine Beteiligung der Basalganglien im Rahmen zentraler senso-motorischer Integrationsprozesse hin. Diese Studie untersucht mittels H 2 15 O PET die zentrale sensorische Verarbeitung eines passiven Vibrationsstimulus bei zwei chrakteristischen Basalganglien-Erkrankungen, dem M. Parkinson und dem M, Huntington. 8 Parkinson Patienten, 8 Huntington Patienten und 8 gesunde Kontrollpersonen nahmen an der Studie teil. Bei jeder Person fanden wi...     »
Translated abstract:
There is conjoining experimental and clinical evidence supporting a fundamental role of the basal ganglia as a sensory analyser engaged in central somato-sensory control. This study aimed at investigating the functional anatomy of sensory processing in two clinical conditions characterised by basal ganglia dysfunction, notably Parkinson´s (PD) and Huntington´s disease (HD). Based on previous recording data of somato-sensory evoked potentials (SSEP), we expected deficient sensory-evoked activation in cortical areas that receive modulatory somato-sensory input via the basal ganglia. Eight PD patients, eight HD patients, and eight age-matched healthy controls underwent repetitive H2 15 O PET activation scans during two experimental conditions in random order: (a) continious unilateral high-frequency vibratory stimulation applied to the immobilised metacarpal joint of the index finger and (b) rest (no vibratory stimulus). In the control cohort, the activation pattern was lateralised to the side opposite to stimulus presentation, including cortical (primary sensory cortex(S1), secondary sensory cortex(S2)) and subcortical (globus pallidus, ventro-lateral thalamus) rCBF increases (p<0.001). Between-group comparisons (p<0.01) of vibration-induced processing: (1) in PD, decreased activation of contralateral sensorimotor (S1/M1) and lateral premotor cortex, contralateral S2, contralateral posterior cingulate, bilateral prefrontal cortex(BA10), and contralateral basal ganglia.(2) in HD, decreased activation of contralateral S2, parietal areas 39/40 and lingual gyrus, bilateral frontal cortex (BA 8, 9, 10, and 44), and contralateral basal ganglia. (3) in both clinical conditions relative enhanced activation of ipsilateral sensory cortical areas, notably caudal S1,S2 and insular cortex. Our data show that PD and HD, beyond well established deficits in central motor control, are characterised by abnormal cortical and subcortical activation on passive sensory stimulation. Furthermore, the finding of activation increases in ipsilateral sensory cortical areas may be interpreted as an indication of either altered central focusing or enhanced compensatory recruitment of associative sensory areas in the presence of basal ganglia dysfunction. Altered sensory processing may contribute to pertinent motor deficits in both conditions.
Publication :
Universitätsbibliothek der TU München
Date of submission:
Oral examination:
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285683 bytes
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