This work is about the development of a secure operating system, while taking the special threats against mobile devices into consideration. Known attacks, threats and vulnerabilities are classified by using a developed scheme and that provides a basis for the generic security analysis. Given this, a catalog of known counter measures is created, containing all detectable attacks to avoid and prevent. A special method for systematic security analysis will be presented, which is applied on a system model and will detect attacks, threats and vulnerabilities in the system. The security analysis method does contain a vulnerability analysis and a threat analysis and the attack analysis. Some tools are described that support the development and the analysis of an operating system kernel. While using the developed security analysis method, the security target is protected against well know classes of threats, attacks and vulnerabilities. The method also describes how to document the steps for successful attacks and counter measures against them and thus creates a comprehensible security architecture.
This work is about the development of a secure operating system, while taking the special threats against mobile devices into consideration. Known attacks, threats and vulnerabilities are classified by using a developed scheme and that provides a basis for the generic security analysis. Given this, a catalog of known counter measures is created, containing all detectable attacks to avoid and prevent. A special method for systematic security analysis will be presented, which is applied on a syste...