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Khaleque, Tanjina
The Lighthouse. Rethinking the Interdependence of Dhaka and the River of Buriganga
Looking at the present condition, Dhaka seems to be unliveable with its main artery Buriganga turned into a dumpyard. The site of Kamrangirchar is a vivid example of the consequences of the city turning away from its lifeline. With poverty, lack of education, extremely inadequate green spaces, corruption and a bulging population, it is a difficult task to pinpoint a key problem. Yet, considering the scope of the discipline of Landscape architecture, it is concluded that the key problems are (a) being too far away from nature and (b) the lack of a sense of belongingness among the users.The idea is to conjure small impacts at the individual level as the main driving force of a lighthouse project. The location is chosen amidst an extremely busy transport hub to address as many people as possible. It is expected that the practice here will encourage others to apply a similar approach in their neighborhood that will help to revive the Buriganga River. The project objectives can be summarized as (a) inspiring people to take initiative at the individual level, (b) building collective awareness against pollution, (c) dealing with the origin of the problem, not the consequences, (d) developing a sustainable system to achieve the desired objectives, and (e) providing urban spaces for the users to gather, communicate and connect with nature.The site asks for a design that is customized for its specific needs. This intent is addressed with five key aspects:• Local Signifiers• Circular Economy• Nature Nourishing the Site• A Sustainable System &• Accommodation of Cultural LandscapeThe formal expression is inspired by this region\textquoterights weaving culture; the famous Muslin, light as the cloud and vanishing into thin air if it\textquoterights not layered. This feature corresponds to the ephemerality of the landscape here. The land is formed by the rivers depositing sediments. The same waterways are also eroding the old settlements, making room for the new. The only constant phenomenon in this landscape type is change. The idea here is to celebrate the underlying force of the local landscape.A major function of the site is to deal with the solid waste problem. The principles of circular economy are followed here and the program is generated considering the site\textquoterights applicability. Different components from this concept are assigned to different lanes - an idea inspired by the profession-based lanes of old Dhaka.The urban farming areas will accept sediment with seasonal inundation. Restricted area under the hydroponic cultivation creates an undisturbed habitat for the local flora and fauna; consequently enriching the natural environment and aiding in river water purification.The design proposes a Biogas plant and community recycling of plastic and glass waste with exhibition areas to educate people about the potential of waste recycling. The open-system hydroponic system treating wastewater and producing cut flowers is another public display of dealing and benefitting from waste in a sensible way that can keep the environment clean and bring economic benefits as well. Different design components benefit from each other here; asking for the least amount of external energy input. The energy produced at the Biogas plant and the photovoltaic cells can be used to run the recycling machines and reduce the energy demand for public spaces. Moreover, agriculture is integrated into the recreational softscapes to omit the high landscape maintenance cost.The intent is to propose a design that fits into the daily cultural landscape of the users. The proposed Multi-purpose space for festivals and fairs (Bengali New Year, Eid, Pitha Mela, Kite festival), Jummah platform to accommodate the extended number of praying Muslims gathering at the mosque every Friday, Immersion Gallery (a platform that is closest to water when the deity of Durga is immersed into Buriganga at the end of the Durga Puja festival), Boat racing gallery, multiple tea spots addressing their love for tea, outdoor workspace for the youth, play areas with locally popular sports as cricket and outdoor fitness area stem from local needs.It is a hope that the design will create a positive impact on individual well-being, be a trendsetter for more sustainable developments around the city, change people\textquoterights attitude towards waste, and turn them towards the river.
Bangladesh, landscape architecture, environmental design, urban ecology, climate adaptation, resilience, urban planning, Pollutant removal
ALL Allgemeines
Hochschule / Universität:
Technical University of Munich