Technische Universität München
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mediaTUM Content
University Bibliography
Electronic Examination Papers
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TUM.University Press
Research Centers
TUM Board of Management
Functional Units
Partnerschaftliche Einrichtungen
TUM School of Computation, Information and Technology
Examination Papers
Computer Engineering
Computer Science
Informatics 1 - Chair of Distributed Systems and Operating Systems (Prof. Bhatotia)
Informatics 1 - Assistant Professorship of Digital Health (N.N.)
Informatics 11 - Chair of Applied Informatics - Cooperative Systems (N.N.)
Informatics 11 - Associate Professorship of Applied Informatics - Cooperative Systems (N.N.)
Informatics 12 - Chair of Bioinformatics (Prof. Rost)
Informatik 13 - Lehrstuhl für Decentralized Information Systems and Data Management (Prof. Leis)
Informatics 14 - Chair of Algorithms and Complexity (Prof. Albers)
Informatics 14 - Chair of efficient algorithms (N.N.)
Informatics 14 - Associate Professorship of Theoretical Computer Science (Prof. Räcke)
Informatics 15 - Chair of Computer Graphics and Visualization (Prof. Westermann)
Informatik 15 - Professur für Machine Learning of 3D Scene Geometry (Prof. Dai)
Informatics 15 - Associate Professorship of Physics-based Simulation (Prof. Thuerey)
Informatics 16 - Chair of Computer Aided Medical Procedures (Prof. Navab)
Informatics 16 - Associate Professorship of Augmented Reality (Prof. Plecher komm.)
Informatik 17 - Lehrstuhl für Wirtschaftsinformatik und Geschäftsprozessmanagement (Prof. Rinderle-Ma)
Informatics 18 - Chair of Decision Science & Systems (Prof. Bichler)
Informatics 18 - Associate Professorship of Algorithmic Game Theory (Prof. Brandt)
Informatik 18 - Professur für Decision Analytics (Prof. Etesami)
Informatics 19 - Chair of Software Engineering for Business Information Systems (Prof. Matthes)
Informatik 19 - Professur für Legal Tech (Prof. Grabmair)
Informatics 2 - Chair of Formal Languages, Compiler Construction, Software Construction (Prof. Seidl)
Informatics 21 - Chair of Logik und Verifikation (N.N.)
Informatics 24 - Associate Professorship of Cyber Trust (Prof. Grossklags)
Informatik 24 - Professur für Ethics in Systems Design and Machine Learning (Prof. Kilbertus)
Informatics 25 - Chair of Data Science and Engineering (Prof. Neumann)
Informatics 26 - Associate Professorship of Data Analytics and Machine Learning (Prof. Günnemann)
Informatics 28 - Associate Professorship of Visual Computing (Prof. Nießner)
Informatics 29 - Chair of Computational Molecular Medicine (Prof. Gagneur)
Informatics 3 - Chair of database systems (Prof. Kemper)
Informatics 3 - Assistant Professorship of Database Systems (Prof. Giceva)
Informatik 31 - Lehrstuhl für Artificial Intelligence in Healthcare and Medicine (Prof. Rückert)
Informatik 32 - Lehrstuhl für Computational Imaging and AI in Medicine (Prof. Schnabel)
Informatik 33 - Lehrstuhl für Engineering robuster kognitiver Systeme (Prof. Trapp)
Informatik 34 - Lehrstuhl für IT Service Management, Development and Operations (Prof. Weber)
Informatik 36 - Professur für Algorithmisches Maschinelles Lernen & Erklärbare KI (Prof. Bauer)
Informatics 4 - Chair of Software & Systems Engineering (Prof. Pretschner)
Informatik 4 - Professur für Software Engineering für datenintensive Anwendungen (Prof. Stocco)
Informatics 5 - Chair of Scientific Computing (Prof. Bungartz)
Informatics 5 - Associate Professorship of Scientific Computing (Prof. Bader)
Informatics 5 - Assistant Professorship of Quantum Computing (Prof. Mendl)
Informatics 7 - Chair of Theoretical Computer Science (Prof. Esparza)
Informatics 7 - Assistant Professorship of Formal Methods for Software Reliability (Prof. Kretínský)
Informatics 7 - Assistant Professorship of Theoretical Foundations of Artificial Intelligence (Prof. Ghoshdastidar)
Informatics 9 - Chair of Computer Vision and Artificial Intelligence (Prof. Cremers)
Informatics 9 - Assistant Professorship of Dynamic Vision and Learning (N.N.)
Informatics Heilbronn 1 - Chair of Efficient Algorithms (Prof. Kobourov)
Chair of Software Engineering & AI (Prof. Chen)
Informatics Heilbronn 3 - Chair of Software Engineering (Prof. Wagner)
Informatics Heilbronn 4 - Professorship of Computational Mathematics (Prof. Anzt)
Informatics Heilbronn 5 - Assistant Professorship of Data Engineering (Prof. Acosta Deibe)
Informatics Heilbronn 6 - Chair of Data Analytics and Statistics (Prof. Fraser)
Informatik Heilbronn 7 - Professur für Information Systems (Prof. Pufahl)
Chair of Foundations of Deep Neural Networks (Prof. Jegelka)
Chair of Information lnfrastructures (Prof. Sunyaev)
Chair of Interpretable and Reliable Machine Learning (Prof. Akata-Schulz)
Assistant Professorship of Applied Education Technologies (Prof. Krusche)
Associate Professorship of Physics-enhanced Machine Learning (Prof. Dietrich)
Rechnerbetriebsgruppe Informatik (RBG-IN)
Electrical Engineering
Images CIT
Technical Reports
ehemalige Lehrstühle und Fachgebiete
TUM School of Engineering and Design
Center of Life and Food Sciences Weihenstephan
TUM School of Management
TUM School of Medicine and Health
TUM School of Natural Sciences
TUM School of Social Sciences and Technology
TUM Campus Straubing für Biotechnologie und Nachhaltigkeit
Service Facilities
TUM Institute for LifeLong Learning
Central Administration
mediaTUM Gesamtbestand
TUM School of Computation, Information and Technology
Computer Science
Informatik 33 - Lehrstuhl für Engineering robuster kognitiver Systeme (Prof. Trapp)
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