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Ashour, Mohamed;Weig, Eva M.;Caspers, Jan N.
Bi-junction electro-optic phase shifters

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Ashour, Mohamed;Weig, Eva M.;Caspers, Jan N.
Bi-junction electro-optic phase shifters
Integrated Photonics Platforms III

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Ochs, Matthias;Dietl, Markus;Brederlow, Ralf
An Analog and Time-Discrete Neuron with Charge-Injection for Use in Ultra-Low Power Spiking Neural Networks
2024 19th Conference on Ph.D Research in Microelectronics and Electronics (PRIME)

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Jia Chen, Vigneshkumar Balamurugan, Frank N. Keutsch, Harald Saathoff, Adrian Wenzel, Yanxia Li, Hengheng Zhang, Sophie Abou-Rizk, Yaowei Li, Junwei Li, Ayah Abu Hani, Juan Bettinelli, Can Demirdögen, Moritz Angleitner, Markus Garhammer
Investigation of Air Quality in Munich Using Measurement Campaign and Air Quality Network
Workshop on Atmospheric Pollution Exposure Study in China and Germany Using Sensor Fusion of Wearable Sensors and 3D Remote Sensing

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V. Balamurugan and J. Chen
Tracking India’s Fossil Fuel CO2 Emissions with OCO-2 Satellite Data
19th international workshop on greenhouse gas measurements from space

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Meeran, K, Matthews, B., Leitner, S., Chen, J., and Watzinger, A.
Vienna Urban Carbon Laboratory: Investigating urban CO2 emissions through Isotope Analysis from Tall Tower Observations
19th Stable Isotope Network Austria Meeting
SINA 2023

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Herkommer, B., Hase, F., Groß, J., Alberti, C., Castracane, P., Dehn, A., Chen, J., Dietrich, F., Morino, I., Frey, M. M., Gillespie, L., Pak, N. M., Wunch, D., Deutscher, N., Walker, B., and García, O. E.
Using a portable EM27/SUN FTIR-spectrometer for validating the TCCON site-to-site consistency: The COCCON Travel Standard
EGU General Assembly 2024
EGU24- 5350

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Hoheisel, A., Maurer, C., Mulder, M. D., Redl, P., Schneider, S., Chen, J., Luther, A., Matthews, B., Watzinger, A., Meeran, K., and Hirtl, M.
GHG-KIT project: Inverse modelling of Vienna’s CH4 and CO2 emissions using in-situ and remote observations
EGU General Assembly 2024

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Matthews, B., Luther, A., Fasano, E., Tang, H., Meeran, K., Leitner, S., Watzinger, A., Chen, J., and Schume, H.
Investigating Vienna’s methane budget with local observations of turbulent fluxes and total column mole fractions
EGU General Assembly 2024

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Li, J., Chen, J., Glauch, T., Stagakis, S., Tang, H., Brunner, D., and Marshall, J
Comparative Analysis of High-Resolution Urban Biogenic CO2 Fluxes Using Multiple Versions of the Vegetation Photo- synthesis and Respiration Model (VPRM)
EGU General Assembly 2024