We propose an effective method to enable recursive ray tracing triangular scenes using contemporary real-time graphics pipelines of digital computers. So far, general purpose computations such as ray tracing utilized the programmable pixel shader for computation. Lengthy algorithms were subdivided to continue-and-restart-able parts (computing kernels) to enable implementation as multi-pass rendering. Discussing a fundamentally different method, we are representing rays with geometry, maintaining a one-to-one correspondence between rays and point primitives. Exploiting the geometry amplification capability of modern pipeline, we are utilizing the geometry shader to emit multiple secondary rays. Our approach to recursive ray tracing is influenced by stream computing, circulating the data flow without using a stack, employing intermediate pipeline stage to feedback transformed primitives before producing the final color by rasterization of point primitives. An effective implementation employing the uniform grid space subdivision scheme is described.
We propose an effective method to enable recursive ray tracing triangular scenes using contemporary real-time graphics pipelines of digital computers. So far, general purpose computations such as ray tracing utilized the programmable pixel shader for computation. Lengthy algorithms were subdivided to continue-and-restart-able parts (computing kernels) to enable implementation as multi-pass rendering. Discussing a fundamentally different method, we are representing rays with geometry, mai...