The importance of non-technical aspects grows when moving towards real industrial applications for Augmented Reality (AR). Knowing about financial and organizational impacts of introducing AR is crucial, both for developing appropriate applications and to make AR investments more attractive for companies. A lot of uncertainties have to be dealt with when estimating the financial consequences of an investment. Above all, the uncertainty about how to use AR in the given context has to be reduced. We present our approach to deal with the financial aspects of an AR application for the construction of power plants. A framework for investigating costs, risks and benefits, both qualitatively and quantitatively, is presented. Using scenarios, an AR investment is evaluated in the given context. Based on the qualitative and quantitative results, conclusions regarding whether to invest into AR are drawn.
The importance of non-technical aspects grows when moving towards real industrial applications for Augmented Reality (AR). Knowing about financial and organizational impacts of introducing AR is crucial, both for developing appropriate applications and to make AR investments more attractive for companies. A lot of uncertainties have to be dealt with when estimating the financial consequences of an investment. Above all, the uncertainty about how to use AR in the given context has to be reduced....