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Schmidt, M.; Grill, C.; Lotz, S.; Pfeiffer, T.; Huber, R.; Jirauschek, C.
Intensity pattern types in broadband Fourier domain mode-locked (FDML) lasers operating beyond the ultra-stable regime
Appl. Phys. B 127, 60 2021-04

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Grill, C.; Blömker, T.; Schmidt, M.; Kastner, D.; Pfeiffer, T.; Kolb, J.P.; Draxinger, W.; Karpf, S.; Jirauschek, C.; Huber, R.
A detailed analysis of the coherence and field properties of an FDML laser by time resolved beat signal measurements
Proceedings Volume 11665, Fiber Lasers XVIII: Technology and Systems; 116651A Event: SPIE LASE, Online Only 2021-03
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