This paper presents a simple approach to measure the innovative capabilities of TRIZ
(Teoriya Resheniya Izobretatelskikh Zadatch) and its resulting value to a company in terms
of invested man-hours and the corresponding idea output. Furthermore the question whether
trained TRIZ specialists can serve as multipliers and positively affect the efficiency of
untrained team members is subject of this investigation.
This study is based on one technical challenge that is treated in three different idea creation
scenarios that are performed by two different groups. Two of the scenarios use classical
brainstorming, serving as a benchmark, and one utilizes the inventive principles of
contradiction solving according to TRIZ. In comparison to both classical brainstorming
scenarios, the TRIZ idea creation proved to be superior in terms of the number of ideas
created per man-hour. All participants, except the moderator, had no training or knowledge of
TRIZ prior to the experiment. By this experimental design it could be demonstrated that a
single TRIZ trained individual can have a positive (multiplier) input on an untrained group.