In this thesis a novel phase-shifting technique, "Adjustable Aperture Multiplexing (AAM)", was developed by multiplexing construction of virtual single apertures to produce tunable spatial carrier frequencies to recorded interferograms. It overcomes the main drawbacks of the existing phase-shifting techniques and offers competitive advantages. Meanwhile, three exemplary measurements were made to verify the AAM technique, including simultaneous out-of-plane displacement-slope measurement, in-plane rotation angular measurement, and 3D displacement measurement.
In this thesis a novel phase-shifting technique, "Adjustable Aperture Multiplexing (AAM)", was developed by multiplexing construction of virtual single apertures to produce tunable spatial carrier frequencies to recorded interferograms. It overcomes the main drawbacks of the existing phase-shifting techniques and offers competitive advantages. Meanwhile, three exemplary measurements were made to verify the AAM technique, including simultaneous out-of-plane displacement-slope measurement, in-plan...