The goal of this thesis was to develop an optimization tool for Kiwi!3D usable within the
Grasshopper scripting environment. Grasshopper allows creating parametric CAD-models vi-
sualized in Rhino. Using the Optimization Tool developed in this thesis with Kiwi!3D, Grasshop-
per and Rhino, parametric structural models can be designed and optimized.
First, this thesis gives a general overview of optimization problems and algorithms by explain-
ing all aspects of the optimization theory relevant to the proper use of the Kiwi!3D Optimization
Tool. After a small summary of already existing optimization tools for Grasshopper, this thesis
continues by presenting the developed tool. The Optimization Tool for Kiwi!3D includes four
different optimization libraries, namely NLopt, Pagmo, Knitro, and Worhp. Knitro and Worhp
are both commercial solvers that need a license to work properly. The optimization tool offers
the user a vast choice of global, local, derivative-free, gradient-based, constrained, uncon-
strained, and mixed-integer optimization algorithms. Although the tool generally performs ex-
clusively single-objective optimizations, multi-objective optimizations can be considered using
a compromise function or converting the objectives to constraints. To show the potential and
proper use of Grasshopper in combination with Kiwi!3D and the Optimization Tool, this the-
sis presents various real-world examples that are optimized using the Optimization Tool for
Kiwi!3D. Through the examples, the proper use of the algorithms is discussed. An analysis
of the optimization algorithms performance is given, and they are classified according to the
problems they solve. This classification should help choosing an appropriate algorithm for a
given optimization problem.
The goal of this thesis was to develop an optimization tool for Kiwi!3D usable within the
Grasshopper scripting environment. Grasshopper allows creating parametric CAD-models vi-
sualized in Rhino. Using the Optimization Tool developed in this thesis with Kiwi!3D, Grasshop-
per and Rhino, parametric structural models can be designed and optimized.
First, this thesis gives a general overview of optimization problems and algorithms by explain-
ing all aspects of the optimization theory releva...