Botz, M.; Raith, M.; Geiss, C. T.; Wondra, B.; Grosse, C. U.; Osterminski, K.; Gehlen, C.; Emiroglu, A.; Wüchner, R.; Bletzinger, KU.; Kinscherf, S.; Romahn, S.; Obradovic, D.; Wever, U.
The MISTRALWIND-Project Monitoring and Inspection of Structures at Large Wind Turbines
Bucher, P.; Shayegan, S.; Ghantasala, A.; Andre, M.; Winterstein, A.; Lopez, I.; Emiroglu, A.; W\"{u}chner, R.; Bletzinger, K.-U.
High-fidelity aero-elastic simulation of structures interacting with wind
Multipatch isogeometric analysis for thin-walled structures with application to partitioned fluid-structure interaction
6th GACM Colloquium on Computational Mechanics, Aachen
Isogeometric B-Rep analysis in partitioned fluid-structure interaction with application to aeroelastic wind turbine simulations
IGA 2018: Integrating Analysis and Design
Stochastic Modeling of Atmospheric Wind in Application to Aeroelastic Simulation of Rotating Blades