This thesis is about adjoint sensitivity analysis for geometrically non-linear structures. The fo-
cus is on discrete adjoint sensitivity analysis for problems solved using Finite Element Method.
The motivation is to develop an accurate sensitivity analysis approach that can be applied to
adaptive structures and compliant mechanisms. Adjoint sensitivity analysis is widely used
in structural mechanics and fluid mechanics applications. Adjoint sensitivity analysis for ge-
ometrically non-linear structures was often done using simplified models that does not fully
consider the structural non-linearities. This thesis focuses on deriving formulations that ac-
curately describe the sensitivity analysis of non-linear structures using the adjoint method.
The second challenge to address in this thesis is implementing these formulations in the
framework of a finite element code.
The newly developed approach was tested for sensitivity analysis with respect to shape pa-
rameters and element parameters. This approach is applied in node-based shape optimiza-
tion using the Vertex Morphing method. The focus was on stiffness design problems where
the objective is to maximize or minimize the stiffness of a structure. Shape optimization
results obtained by the approach developed in this thesis was compared with other adjoint
sensitivity analysis approaches to get a better understanding of its benefits and drawbacks.
This comparative study guides futures researchers about the potential applications for this