Magnetic skyrmions are topologically non-trivial spin whirls that may not be transformed continuously into topologically trivial states such as ferromagnetic spin alignment. In recent years lattice structures composed of skyrmions have been discovered in certain bulk chiral magnets with non-centrosymmetric crystal structures. The magnetic phase diagrams of these materials share remarkable similarities despite great variations of the characteristic temperature, field, and length scales and regardless whether the underlying electronic state is that of a metal, semiconductor, or insulator.
Magnetic skyrmions are topologically non-trivial spin whirls that may not be transformed continuously into topologically trivial states such as ferromagnetic spin alignment. In recent years lattice structures composed of skyrmions have been discovered in certain bulk chiral magnets with non-centrosymmetric crystal structures. The magnetic phase diagrams of these materials share remarkable similarities despite great variations of the characteristic temperature, field, and length scales and regard...