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Amereller, M.;Hahn, D.;Seiberl, W.;Bachmann, S.;Schwirtz, A.
Einfluss der Muskelfasertypenverteilung auf die Kraftpotenzierung während und im Anschluss an exzentrische Muskelaktionen
Symposium der dvs-Sektion Biomechanik
Feldhaus Verlag

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Brucker, med Dipl Sportl Peter;Sandmann, G.;Hahn, D.;Amereller, M.;Siebenlist, S.;Schwirtz, A.;Imhoff, A. B.
Mid-term functional outcome and return-to-sports activity following surgical refixation of proximal hamstring tendon ruptures
Sport-Orthopädie - Sport-Traumatologie - Sports Orthopaedics and Traumatology

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Hahn, D.
Force-length properties of leg extension and their implications for strength diagnostics.
XXVI International Conference on Biomechanics in Sports

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Hahn, D.;Hoffman, B. W.;Carroll, T. J.;Cresswell, A. G.
Modulation of neural excitability during and after eccentric muscle actions
41st Annual Meeting of the Society for Neuroscience

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Hahn, D.;Seiberl, W.
Neuromechanics of the ankle joint muscles during isolated and combined voluntary activation.
Neuroplasticity, Motor control, Cutting-Edge Technology & Rehabilitation. The XIX Biennial Conference of the International Society of Electrophysiology and Kinesiology

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Hahn, D.;Seiberl, W.
Force enhancement during and following muscle stretch of voluntarily activated human quadriceps femoris

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Hahn, D.;Seiberl, W.;Schmidt, S.;Schweizer, K.;Schwirtz, A.
Force enhancement during and after multijoint leg extension.
The XVIII Congress of the International Society of Electrophysiology and Kinesiology
Published by the Department of Health Science and Technology, Aalborg University, Denmark

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Hahn, Daniel;Seiberl, Wolfgang;Amereller, Max
Influence of fibre type distribution on force enhancement during and after muscle stretch

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Hartmann, M., Merker, J., Koestner, K., Huegle, B., Haefner, R., Schwirtz, A., Haas, J.-P
Muscular weakness in children with juvenile dermatomyositis induces gait deviations with propulsion reduction in level walking
Springer Nature

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Hartmann, M.;Merker, J.;Haas, J.- P.;Schwirtz, A.
Pilot study of a three-dimensional method to detect the tibial torsion in healthy adolescents and its impact on the knee kinematic in walking.