As part of the OMEGA study, the effect of omega-3 fatty acids in diabetics and non-diabetics was investigated in the prevention of sudden cardiac death after myocardial infarction. A positive effect on the primary endpoint was not shown in this study as well as in the OMEGA study (Rauch et al., 2010).Between the patients randomized to a placebo group and a verum group, there were nearly no significant differences detected at the beginning as well as at the end of the observation period. Sudden cardiac death was more common in diabetics than in non-diabetics. At the secondary endpoints, statistically low significant differences were found. In the course of the 365-day study, limit-value differences were observed in the rate of non-sudden cardiac deaths (higher in the verum group) and in the rate of ICD-terminated ventricular tachycardias and / or ventricular fibrillation (higher in the verum group) especially in diabetics. The application of omega-3-acid ethyl ester had a significant influence on the development and severity of depression. Overall, the results obtained in the presented study are similar to recent reports from other research teams, in which there are still unexplained, rather unfavorable effects of omega-3 fatty acids in myocardial infarction patients, particularly in connection with arrhythmias, but also with different forms of cardiovascular Pre-existing conditions.
As part of the OMEGA study, the effect of omega-3 fatty acids in diabetics and non-diabetics was investigated in the prevention of sudden cardiac death after myocardial infarction. A positive effect on the primary endpoint was not shown in this study as well as in the OMEGA study (Rauch et al., 2010).Between the patients randomized to a placebo group and a verum group, there were nearly no significant differences detected at the beginning as well as at the end of the observation period. Sudden c...