The application of Nonlinear Dynamic Inversion on agile multicopter systems is beneficial to cope with significant dynamical couplings of the axes. However, modeling errors impose drawbacks to the control concept as the inversion relies on an exact knowledge about the model for best performance. In order to improve the performance of the controller when subject to exogenous disturbances and modeling errors, a command governor augmentation is proposed in this paper. Basically, by utilizing an estimation of the time derivative of the control error, an additional command is applied to the reference model. The superior performance and robustness are demonstrated in flight experiments with a hexacopter, where controlled flight is accomplished even under severe actuator degradation.
The application of Nonlinear Dynamic Inversion on agile multicopter systems is beneficial to cope with significant dynamical couplings of the axes. However, modeling errors impose drawbacks to the control concept as the inversion relies on an exact knowledge about the model for best performance. In order to improve the performance of the controller when subject to exogenous disturbances and modeling errors, a command governor augmentation is proposed in this paper. Basically, by utilizing an est...