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Flightplan Flight Tests of an Experimental DA42 General Aviation Aircraft

Schatz, Simon P.; Schneider, Volker; Karlsson, Erik; Holzapfel, Florian; Baier, Thaddäus; Dörhöfer, Christoph; Hochstrasser, Markus; Gabrys, Agnes Christine; Krause, Christoph; Lauffs, Patrick J.; Mumm, Nils; Nürnberger, Katejan; Peter, Lars; Spiegel, Philip; Steinert, Lukas; Zollitsch, Alexander
The recent emergence of unmanned aerial vehicles asked for both well-performing auto-flight systems and fly-bywire architectures. Towards this end, the trajectory control module of an integrated auto-flight control system is introduced in this paper, which utilizes nonlinear second-order error dynamics of the position error and uses nonlinear dynamic inversion as a control methodology. Flight test results of a flightplan mission conducted on the institute’s general aviation aircraft - a DA42 aug...     »
Kongress- / Buchtitel:
14th International Conference on Control, Automation, Robotics {&} Vision (ICARCV)
Nachgewiesen in:
Scopus; Web of Science