A 47 GHz Monolithically Integrated SiGe Push-Push Oscillator
Wanner, Robert; Pfost, M.; Lachner, R.; Olbrich, Gerhard R.
We present a monolithically integrated push-push oscillator, fabricated in a production-near SiGe:C bipolar technology. The planar inductors have been simulated by a three dimensional electromagnetic field solver. The oscillator obtains an output power of 0 dBm at 47 GHz, while the fundamental signal at 23.5 GHz is -39 dBm. The single sideband phase noise level at 1 MHz offset frequency is -104 dbc/Hz.
23.5 GHz, 3D EM field solver, 47 GHz, bipolar MIMIC, bipolar oscillator, Ge-Si alloys, integrated circuit modelling, millimetre wave oscillators, monolithically integrated oscillator, phase noise, planar inductors, push-push oscillator, semiconductor materials, SiGe:C, single sideband phase noise, thin film inductors
Kongress- / Buchtitel:
Topical Meeting on Silicon Monolithic Integrated Circuits in RF Systems