This thesis analyses preferences for cars with alternative drive systems in Germany. For the analysis of preferences adaptive hybrid choice-based conjoint analysis methods are applied. The results of the empirical study reveal heterogeneity in drive system preferences. Especially, individual preferences are related to psychographic characteristics. For example, pro-environmental persons prefer battery-electric drive systems the most. For preference measurement two adaptive hybrid methods have been assessed (adaptive choice based conjoint (ACBC) and hybrid individualized two-level choice based conjoint (HIT-CBC)). The comparison of the methods showed a clear advantage of ACBC regarding several criteria.
This thesis analyses preferences for cars with alternative drive systems in Germany. For the analysis of preferences adaptive hybrid choice-based conjoint analysis methods are applied. The results of the empirical study reveal heterogeneity in drive system preferences. Especially, individual preferences are related to psychographic characteristics. For example, pro-environmental persons prefer battery-electric drive systems the most. For preference measurement two adaptive hybrid methods have be...