Thermal desorption of very high resolution was used to investigate submono- to multilayers of Ne, Ar, Kr and Xe on Ru(001) between 6.5K and 150K. Desorption parameters, interlayer exchange in adsorption and desorption, wetting behaviour and superlattices of the layers were investigated coverage- and temperature dependent. Measuremets were interpreted analytically and by simulations. Quantum effects affecting the sticking coefficient and configuration dependent non equilibrium effects affecting the desorption rate were demonstrated. Different measurenet and analysis procedures were discussed.
Thermal desorption of very high resolution was used to investigate submono- to multilayers of Ne, Ar, Kr and Xe on Ru(001) between 6.5K and 150K. Desorption parameters, interlayer exchange in adsorption and desorption, wetting behaviour and superlattices of the layers were investigated coverage- and temperature dependent. Measuremets were interpreted analytically and by simulations. Quantum effects affecting the sticking coefficient and configuration dependent non equilibrium effects affecting t...